278 research outputs found

    Heterogeneous Kohonen networks

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    A large number of practical problems involves elements that are described as a mixture of qualitative and quantitative infomation, and whose description is probably incomplete. The self-organizing map is an effective tool for visualization of high-dimensional continuous data. In this work, we extend the network and training algorithm to cope with heterogeneous information, as well as missing values. The classification performance on a collection of benchmarking data sets is compared in different configurations. Various visualization methods are suggested to aid users interpret post-training results.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Ensaio sobre a promessa jurídica do esquecimento: uma análise a partir da perspectiva do poder simbólico de Bourdieu

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    A partir de método reconstrutivo de abordagem, o presente artigo se propõe a avaliar o estado da arte de uma promessa jurídica bastante complexa: o direito ao esquecimento. Tomando por lente teórica a construção do poder simbólico, de Bourdieu, o trabalho se orienta para responder às seguintes indagações: ao se pretender, pela via do Direito, uma promessa de esquecimento, o que de fato é possível oferecer? Quem concorre pelo poder de dizer o que pode e como pode ser esquecido? Para tanto, remonta as dimensões históricas da privacidade e as linhas gerais de construção do direito ao esquecimento, analisa, por meio de estudos de casos, trilhas distintas de densificação da promessa jurídica de esquecimento e problematiza os riscos autoritários que ela carrega

    A Modelling Approach for Assessing the Hydrogeological Equilibrium of the Karst, Coastal Aquifer of the Salento Peninsula (Southeastern Italy): Evaluating the Effects of a MAR Facility for Wastewater Reuse

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    The Salento Peninsula is characterized by poor surface water resources, due to the karstic nature of its territory. On the other hand, important groundwater resources are located in the deep, karst, coastal aquifer, which is of strategic importance for the economic and social development of the area. The increasing water demand, however, if not properly managed may pose serious problems to the hydrogeological equilibrium of this aquifer, which is highly susceptible to natural and anthropogenic changes and to saltwater intrusion. Taking steps from the previous works, the present paper focuses on the characterization of the deep aquifer of the Adriatic portion of the Salento Peninsula from a quantitative point of view by means of modelling tools for the simulation of groundwater dynamics. Conclusions about the extent of the saltwater intrusion phenomenon are consequently inferred. As a result of the implementation of a density-dependent flow model, the lateral extent of such phenomenon and the vertical depth of the transition zone between freshwater and saltwater were inferred, highlighting also the role of major faults which characterize the hydraulic behaviour of the karst system under exam. The model was also applied to design a Managed Aquifer Recharge facility for management and protection of the hydrogeological equilibrium of the deep aquifer. Its positive effects on the advancement of the saline front were highlighted. Model results also allowed identifying areas where the lack of data prevents a proper comprehension of the hydrogeological processes investigated, thus representing a supporting tool for planning further monitoring campaigns

    Diradicals Produce Ambipolar Transistors: What and Why

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    organic conjugated diradicals have gaining interest in the recent times given their uses in different formats of electronic applications encompassing OFETs,1 non-linear optical dyes, chromophores for singlet fission in OPV,2 etc. Our recent interests have turned into the role of their open-shell structures and their impact in the stabilization of +1, -1 charges. Since the first studies in fused planar diradicals, we were fascinated by the fully reversible and almost perfect oxidation/reduction mirror-like shapes of their cyclic voltammetries (i.e., uncommon in the organic field, in Fig. 1).3 This aimed us to test the ambipolar charge transport character of diradicals in OFETs and discovered that some particular diradicals are able to transport both kind of charges, holes and electrons, with similar mobility, or balanced p-n mobility.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    the heterochromatin protein 1 positively regulates euchromatic gene expression by rna binding

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    HP1 is a well known conserved protein involved in heterochromatin formation and gene silencing in different species including humans1-4. A general model has been proposed for heterochromatin formation and epigenetic gene silencing in different species that implies an essential role for HP1. According to the model, histone methyltransferase enzymes (HMTases) methylate the histone H3 at lysine 9 (H3-MeK9), creating selective binding sites for itself and the chromodomain of HP15. This complex is thought to form a higher order chromatin state that represses gene activity. It has also been found that HP1 plays a role in telomere capping6. Surprisingly, recent data have suggested an association of HP1 in gene activity7-10 but the nature of this interaction is still completely obscure. Here we show, that HP1 is required for positive regulation of more than one hundred euchromatic genes by its association with the corresponding RNA transcripts and by its interaction with the well known proteins DDP111, HRB87F12 and PEP13, which belong to different classes of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins (hnRNPs) involved in RNA processing . We also found that all these hnRNP proteins also bind heterochromatin and are dominant suppressors of position effect variegation. Our data together, show novel and unexpected functions for HP1 and hnRNPs proteins. All these proteins are in fact involved in both RNA transcript processing and in heterochromatin formation. This suggests that, in general, similar epigenetic mechanisms have a significant role in the metabolism of both RNA and heterochromatin

    Sand Ridges on Rocky Coastal Platforms as Markers of Tsunami Impact: A Multi-Disciplinary Analysis along the Ionian Coast of Southern Apulia (Italy)

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    Along the Ionian coast of Southern Apulia, a sand ridge has been detected at the inner border of a wide, low-elevated rocky platform. A multi-disciplinary analysis was carried out to define the main geomorphological and sedimentological features of this dune-like coastal deposit, to clarify its nature as well as to obtain chronological constraints for its development. The geomorphological survey reveals that the sand ridge is about 40\u201360 m wide, reaching a maximum elevation of 3.9 m above m.s.l., whereas its thickness can be estimated between 1.0 and 2.8 m. The sand ridge is in some places associated with large-size boulders. Grain size analysis shows that it is made up of poorly sorted coarse-medium sands with a gravelly fraction, without significant sedimentary structures, as confirmed by Ground Penetrating Radar survey. The micro and macro-faunal assemblage sampled in the sand ridge can be related to shallow-water environments with Posidonia oceanica meadows occurring offshore. The development of the studied sand ridge can be ascribed to a tsunami event able to mix up very coarse bioclastic sands placed at submerged platforms, storm beach deposits covering the low-elevated coastal platform in patches, and possibly older tsunami deposits. Accelerator Mass Spectrometry radiocarbon age determinations on mollusc shells sampled from the sand ridge span from 929\u20131168 AD to 1707\u20131950 AD and cluster around the 18th\u201319th centuries, suggesting a possible association with a recent tsunami event. Data reported in the Euro-Mediterranean Tsunami Catalogue would indicate as the most likely event that one of the 25th April 1836, produced by a strong earthquake with its epicenter near Rossano village, on the Ionian coast of the Calabria region

    La morfologia carsica della provincia di Lecce e la sua influenza sulla idrografia superficiale e profonda (studio preliminare)

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    ItIl censimento delle cavità carsiche epigee presenti nell’ambito del territorio della provincia di Lecce e la loro tipicizzazione in relazione alla costituzione del substrato, hanno permesso di valutare l’incidenza della locale morfologia carsica nel deflusso delle acque in superficie e nella alimentazione delle falde nel sottosuolo. Le differenti situazioni riscontrate sono state comparate con una mappa della piovosità ottenuta tramite l’analisi statistica dei dati esistenti, nonché con un quadro sinoptico delle opere di canalizzazione e di recapito delle acque superficiali, con lo scopo di portare un preliminare contributo alla soluzione dei problemi connessi sia con lo smaltimento delle acque meteoriche e dei reflui urbani sia con i possibili processi di desertificazione.EnInvestigation concerned in karst holes which are present in the territory of Salento and their relationship with the characteristics of the substratum, has allowed to appreciate the incidence of the local karstic morphology in the outflow of the waters on surface and in the feeding in the groundwater. The different situations have been comparative with a map of the rains got through the statistic analysis of the existing data, as well as with a picture of the works of canalization of superficial waters. The purpose is to bring a preliminary contribution to the problem connected with the disposal of the meteoric waters and the urban refluis and with the possible processes of desertification. The integration of all the geological, stratigraphical, hydrogeological, geomorfological and climatic data in elaboration will allow us to effect a verify of the actual state of the territory. A first analysis of all the elaborate data has put in evidence that: - in the oriental zone, among Otranto, Minervino and Presicce, in the EST and Manduria in the WEST, characterized by the maximum precipitations, the meteoric waters quickly are absorbed in the subsoil for the nature of the permeable calcareous substratum for fractures and particularly for karst; here the outflows are also very scarce because of the planar morphology. - in the western zone, that is among Taviano, Nardò and Copertino, in the EST and Gallipoli and Manduria in the WEST, where are weak precipitations, the geological and particularly morphological character condition the outflow of the waters determining the formation of hydrographic networks which are more diffused in comparison to the east zone and mainly developed along the borders of the watershed (Fig. 1); on the contrary, where coverages of clayey grounds are present and morphologies are planar, superficial stagnations are verified

    Do rastreamento de contato à vigilância: um estudo sobre o TraceTogether App

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    Em à meio pandemia do SARS-CoV-2, também denominado de Covid-19, houve a intensificação do diálogo entre medidas sanitárias e tecnológicas para o combate e contenção do vírus. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo estudar a possível lógica de vigilância que permeia os aplicativos de rastreamento de contato utilizados para combate à pandemia. Valendo-se dos conceitos de Capitalismo de Vigilância e cultura de vigilância, parte-se de um desenvolvimento teórico, ancorado à análise empírica do caso de Cingapura, orientado pelas Regras de Inferência elaboradas por Epstein e King, a fim de verificar se o desvio de finalidade em sua utilização representa um reforço à lógica de vigilância vigente. Ao final conclui-se que, a depender de seu conteúdo, as alterações feitas nas políticas de privacidade podem reforçar uma lógica de vigilância que incide, especialmente, sobre populações historicamente perseguidas e marginalizada

    A Colonização das Relações Privadas pelo Discurso Econômico: Uma Crítica a Modelos Descritivos de Empresa

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    Through the reconstructive method of approach and by adopting the communicative rationality habermasian as epistemological framework, this paper discusses the process of colonization of private relations by economic discourse in the corporate field. It examines, in particular, descriptive models of business relationships, as the nexus of contracts theory and dispute resolution forms as the "default rule" and the "hypothetical bargain." With a content analysis of these models, it investigates the hypothesis that there are non-problematized normative claims in the descriptions of business relationships and decision-making in the corporate field, such as specialization and efficiency while rationality parameters. It addresses procedural and substantive objections to the approached models.Por meio do método reconstrutivo de abordagem e adotando como referencial epistemológico a racionalidade comunicativa habermasiana, este trabalho aborda o processo de colonização das relações privadas pelo discurso econômico, no campo societário. Analisa, em especial, modelos descritivos de relações empresariais, como a teoria do feixe de contratos, e formas de resolução de controvérsias como default rule e hypothetical bargain". Com a análise de conteúdo desses modelos, investiga a hipótese de que há pretensões normativas não problematizadas nas descrições das relações empresariais e nas tomadas de decisão no campo societário, como a especialização e a eficiência enquanto parâmetros de racionalidade. Dirige críticas procedimentais e substanciais aos modelos abordados